Former Projects

Provost’s Advisory Committee on Assessment


At the close of the 2005-2006 academic year, the Design and Implementation Group made several recommendations to the Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding changes to the assessment program and budget.  In full, the changes were:

  1. The Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) will take the place of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) for seniors starting in Spring 2007.
  2. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) will be administered every other year starting in FY 2008.
  3. The College Student Expectations Questionnaire (CSXQ) was administered to first-year students in FY2007 and will be put on a two-year rotation the Cooperative Institutional Research Project (CIRP).
  4. The Portfolio Project was changed to a 32-hour work week instead of 40.  To accomplish this reduction in hours, we will be sampling the Portfolios.
  5. The College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ) will be administered to juniors in conjunction with the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) junior test.
  6. Course evaluations for Science, Business & Accountancy, and Education Divisions will no longer be paid through the assessment budget.

Goals for the DIG and ARG during the 2006-2007 academic year were as follows.

Design and Implementation Group:

  1. Discuss and make a recommendation on how to accommodate December graduates and the CLA administration.  Also discuss how to recruit faculty proctors for the spring CLA administration.  Are there any special analyses Truman should order for the CLA?
  2. Creating a schedule for rotating modules in the CAAP.
  3. Revisit the time equity issue of the CAAP and MAPP.
  4. Review the most recent set of 5-Year Program Reviews and see what assessment-related recommendations were made.
  5. Study students’ critical/deep reading skills.
  6. Support disciplines in their efforts to find replacement senior tests in lieu of the GRE.
  7. Develop summer 2007 Assessment Internship opportunities with the ARG.

Analysis and Reporting Group:

  1. Continue the Assessment Grant program.
  2. Continue working with ITS on a data warehouse.
  3. Continue data analyses.
  4. Develop summer 2007 Assessment Internship opportunities with the DIG.